Civil Infrastructure Researches
ISO Abbreviation:
Civ. Infrastruct. Res.
Journal Metrics
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Review Speed: 120 days
Start Publication: 2014
Issue Per Year: 2
No. of Volumes: 10
No. of Issues: 19
No. of Articles: 191
No. of Indexing Databases: 21
No. of Reviewers: 335
No. of Contributors: 442
Article View: 179,642
PDF Download: 99,062
View Per Article: 940.53
PDF Download Per Article: 518.65
The journal of Civil Infrastructure Researches (CIR) is a peer-reviewed open-access semiannual journal in Persian (with English abstracts and bibliographies) devoted to the fields of civil and structural engineering, building and construction, and construction industry, published by the University of Qom, Iran. It is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original articles, review articles, etc., considering the research ethics and academic rules and regulations. The journal of Civil Infrastructure Researches (CIR) aims to publish research and review papers on the most recent issues and developments in the field. All papers are subject to a double-blind reviewing process.
About the Journal:
Journal Title: Civil Infrastructure Researches
Country of Publication: Iran, Qom
Publisher: University of Qom
Scientific Sponsorship Society: --
Director-in-Charge: Dr. Ali Mohammad Rajabi
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Ali Ghanbari
Co-Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Seyed Rohollah Hoseini Vaez
Subject Area: Civil and Structural Engineering
Format: Online
Online ISSN: 2783-140X
Frequency: Semiannual
Language: Persian, including English abstracts and bibliographies.
Open Access: Yes, free access to articles
Article types: Research and review papers.
Primary Review: 10 days, approximately.
Peer Review Policy: Double-blind peer-review
Average refereeing time: 24 weeks
Acceptance percentage: 31%
Article Processing Charges: Yes
Citation Style: The Vancouver citation style.
Tel: +98(0)2532103590
Indexing & Abstracting: EBSCO, EBSCO: Arab World Research Source: Al Masdar Database, EBSCO: Applied Science & Technology Source, EBSCO: Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate, EBSCOhost, ROAD-ISSN, Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Scientific Information Database (SID), National Digital Archives of Iranian Scholarly Journals, Noormags, Magiran, Google Scholar, Academia, LinkedIn, etc.
COPE: The journal of Civil Infrastructure Researches (CIR) follows the policies and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and abides by its Code of Conduct in dealing with potential cases of misconduct.
Copyright: Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights.
Type of License: Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Required files to upload: Authors must submit the following five essential files through the manuscript submission system: 1. Main Manuscript File (without the author details and prepared based on the provided template. 2. Title Page, 3. Authorship Form (must include the article title, full names of all authors, and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest Form m (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the Main Manuscript File), and 5. Cover letter (Please include any necessary information in the cover letter).
Pages 1-19
Farhad Jedari Zarezadeh; Masood Farzam; Saman Bagheri
Pages 21-34
Hosna Kianfar; Hamid Mohammadnezhad
Pages 35-50
Mohammad Reza Shahhoseini; Mohammad Kazem Sharbatdar; Ali Kheyroddin
Pages 51-80
Shiva Abrifam; Amirali Zad; Maryam Yazdi; Javad Nazari Afshar
Pages 81-98
Neda Azizi; Mahdi Sharifi; Mohammad reza Shokrzadeh
Pages 99-118
Mojtaba Amirabadi; Hamid Bayesteh; Reza Rasti Ardakani
Pages 119-131
Mohammad Reza Torabi; Mojtaba Hosseini; Ramin Hajimohammadrezaee
Pages 133-146
Hadi Kargarsharifabad; Nader Rahbar; Hasan Farmani Entezam
Pages 147-161
Vahid Akrami; Nazanin Mazloumi; Hamed Rahman Shokrgozar
Pages 163-178
Alireza Shokouhi; Gholamali Shafabakhsh; Peyman Hassanzadeh
Pages 179-199
Mahmoud Malakouti Olounabadi; Milad Jahanbazi; Seyed Shaker Hashemi; Babak Golchin; Ramin Meshkabadi