Seismic Analysis of Soil-Concrete Structure System in Time Domain by Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Wave Propagation

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Civil, Water, and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


The behavior of a structure changes when it interacts with underlying soil, which acts as a flexible base, as compared to a rigid base condition. Given the importance of performance-based design, the direct method for soil-structure interaction (SSI) problem is essential for accurate characterization of the non-linear behavior of the soil and the structure. Using direct method in FE modeling of SSI problem poses several challenges. These include accurately representing the semi-infinite soil domain, accounting the inertia effects, radiation damping, and wave propagation, and properly applying earthquake ground motions at the boundaries, which coincide with the energy-absorbing boundaries. This article presents a precise and practical approach to tackle these difficulties, which is well-suited for implementation in FE software such as ABAQUS. This approach utilizes the combination of the domain reduction method (DRM) and Lysmer energy-absorbing boundaries. The accuracy of the model is assessed by some validations and compared by traditional Winckler's approaches; results showed the superior accuracy of the proposed approach. In addition, this method is used to demonstrate its efficiency in solving typical engineering issues. Furthermore, to demonstrate the capabilities of this method in solving engineering problems, seismic analyses of three types of concrete structures (low, mid, and high-rise) under various seismic scenarios are investigated. Seismic frequency content, soil type, and other parameters are examined. The analysis results demonstrate the substantial impact of mentioned characteristics on the structural reaction. In particular, the research findings suggest that low-rise structures show greater responses in comparison to other structures in this study.


Main Subjects

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