Reviewing Causes of Delay From the Risk Management Perspective in Execution Stage in Road Construction Projects (Case Study: Garmsar-Simin Dasht Road)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil & Construction Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assisteant Prof.,Department of Civil & Construction Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Prof.,Department of Mechanic & Energy, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

4 Assisteant Prof.,Department of Road and Transportation, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.



Delay in construction projects is one of the most common problems. That will increase contract costs, increase construction time overestimated, increase project current costs and time lost due to lack of timely operation. Considering the importance of delay and time-increasing factors more than predicted, it is necessary to investigate and analyze its factors. In this paper, the identification, qualitative and quantitative prioritization of execution stage delays in road construction projects from the risk management perspective in the Garmsar-Simindasht road have been studied and evaluated. Identification of risks by structured interview technique, qualitative risk prioritization by expert opinion survey, and quantitative risk prioritization by analytical hierarchy process technique. Its outputs are qualitative delayed risk prioritization with cause and effect (Ishikawa) charts and quantitative risk ratings with Expert choice software. According to quantitative ranking, financial and credit problems, lands’ appropriation, management problems, technical problems and natural disasters have the highest risk among the main criteria. Among the sub-criteria of the risk, incomplete allocation, land price, gardens, incomplete feasibility studies, incorrect timing schedule, provincial credits, no money deposit, residential areas, commercial areas, agreement with the natural resources, agreement with the environment, flood, low initial estimate, national credits, industrial areas, unfavorable weather conditions, ground operations, asphalt problems, accident insurance have priority. Finally, Critical criteria analysis performed and solutions have been proposed to reduce or eliminate the effect of these delays in road construction projects.


Main Subjects

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