Numerical Simulation of Airflow and Particle Deposition from the Surface of Raw Materials Piles and Studying the Effects of Shape Variations and Free-Stream Velocity in Wind Erosion Reduction

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Qom

2 Graduated B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Qom


Accumulation of consumable or produced materials in out-door areas and exposed to the airflow is an important issue of environmental concern. Also, wind erosion of raw materials from the storage piles in some industries causes environmental problems and economic consequences. The materials are accumulated in various volumetric shapes in an outdoor environment, which is usually pyramidal and conical. The subject of this study is about the percentage of wind erosion from the surface of the pile and the intensity of the particle deposition due to the free-stream flow passing through the various points of the pile’s surface. In this research, the wind erosion or in other words, the movement and deposition of particles from the surface of the pile have been discussed. So, a comparison between the piles with different shapes has been performed according to the reduction of wind erosion. So, a comparison between the piles with different shapes has been performed according to the reduction of wind erosion.


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